Believe in What You Have to Offer


If you value what you have to offer, you will inspire others to do the same

I deal with a lot of self doubt. I have often tried to overwhelm my feelings of inadequacy by overpromising, and then I kill myself trying to live up to the unnecessary commitments I have made. But what I fail to recognize when I behave this way is that I am placing very low value on what I have to offer. If I act like my efforts are cheap and easy to come by, why would I ever expect my clients or prospects to esteem them any differently?

What if instead I choose to cultivate the belief that I have something uniquely valuable to offer? When I believe that my talents and abilities are unique, scarce, and valuable, I tend to feel more confident, more resilient in the face of difficulties, and I find that most people reflect my belief in myself by assigning lots of value to my work.

Do you ever struggle with believing in yourself? Is it hard for you to have confidence in the value you have to offer? How have you combatted that doubt and cultivated self respect?


Board of Directors & Executive Leaders


Resilience and Anti-fragility with Mark Spewak